Ali Haj Suleiman
In 2011, I was 12 years old. I lived in Damascus and I dreamed of being a doctor to help people. In 2013 my father was arrested by the Syrian regime forces in Damascus.
I went back with my family to Idlib, my father’s original home. I stopped my studies and started working to help my family.
A year later, in 2014, I started my activity archiving photographic content within an organisation.
I decided in 2017 to carry my camera and join the ranks of the media who document the suffering of Syrians and the humanitarian violations against civilians.
I worked as a Freelance photographer with many newspapers and news sites such as Middle East Eye and Al Jazeera English.

- Pompei Street Festival (Pompei)
- 22-23-24 Settembre 2022, ore 10:00
Descrizioni delle foto
Un uomo piange stringendo tra le mani il giocattolo di un bambino in una casa nel sud di Idlib colpita da un attacco missilistico del governo filo-siriano.
2 – The grandfather carries the body of his granddaughter, who was killed as a result of the bombing of the Russian warplanes on their house north of Idlib city.
Il nonno porta il corpo di sua nipote, uccisa a seguito del bombardamento degli aerei da guerra russi sulla loro casa a nord della città di Idlib.